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Frigate stores user information in its database. Password hashes are generated using industry standard PBKDF2-SHA256 with 600,000 iterations. Upon successful login, a JWT token is issued with an expiration date and set as a cookie. The cookie is refreshed as needed automatically. This JWT token can also be passed in the Authorization header as a bearer token.

Users are managed in the UI under Settings > Users.

The following ports are available to access the Frigate web UI.

8971Authenticated UI and API. Reverse proxies should use this port.
5000Internal unauthenticated UI and API access. Access to this port should be limited. Intended to be used within the docker network for services that integrate with Frigate and do not support authentication.


On startup, an admin user and password are generated and printed in the logs. It is recommended to set a new password for the admin account after logging in for the first time under Settings > Users.

Resetting admin password

In the event that you are locked out of your instance, you can tell Frigate to reset the admin password and print it in the logs on next startup using the reset_admin_password setting in your config file.

reset_admin_password: true

Login failure rate limiting

In order to limit the risk of brute force attacks, rate limiting is available for login failures. This is implemented with Flask-Limiter, and the string notation for valid values is available in the documentation.

For example, 1/second;5/minute;20/hour will rate limit the login endpoint when failures occur more than:

  • 1 time per second
  • 5 times per minute
  • 20 times per hour

Restarting Frigate will reset the rate limits.

If you are running Frigate behind a proxy, you will want to set trusted_proxies or these rate limits will apply to the upstream proxy IP address. This means that a brute force attack will rate limit login attempts from other devices and could temporarily lock you out of your instance. In order to ensure rate limits only apply to the actual IP address where the requests are coming from, you will need to list the upstream networks that you want to trust. These trusted proxies are checked against the X-Forwarded-For header when looking for the IP address where the request originated.

If you are running a reverse proxy in the same docker compose file as Frigate, here is an example of how your auth config might look:

failed_login_rate_limit: "1/second;5/minute;20/hour"
- # <---- this is the subnet for the internal docker compose network

JWT Token Secret

The JWT token secret needs to be kept secure. Anyone with this secret can generate valid JWT tokens to authenticate with Frigate. This should be a cryptographically random string of at least 64 characters.

You can generate a token using the Python secret library with the following command:

python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(64))'

Frigate looks for a JWT token secret in the following order:

  1. An environment variable named FRIGATE_JWT_SECRET
  2. A docker secret named FRIGATE_JWT_SECRET in /run/secrets/
  3. A jwt_secret option from the Home Assistant Addon options
  4. A .jwt_secret file in the config directory

If no secret is found on startup, Frigate generates one and stores it in a .jwt_secret file in the config directory.

Changing the secret will invalidate current tokens.

Proxy configuration

Frigate can be configured to leverage features of common upstream authentication proxies such as Authelia, Authentik, oauth2_proxy, or traefik-forward-auth.

If you are leveraging the authentication of an upstream proxy, you likely want to disable Frigate's authentication. Optionally, if communication between the reverse proxy and Frigate is over an untrusted network, you should set an auth_secret in the proxy config and configure the proxy to send the secret value as a header named X-Proxy-Secret. Assuming this is an untrusted network, you will also want to configure a real TLS certificate to ensure the traffic can't simply be sniffed to steal the secret.

Here is an example of how to disable Frigate's authentication and also ensure the requests come only from your known proxy.

enabled: False

auth_secret: <some random long string>

You can use the following code to generate a random secret.

python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(64))'

Header mapping

If you have disabled Frigate's authentication and your proxy supports passing a header with the authenticated username, you can use the header_map config to specify the header name so it is passed to Frigate. For example, the following will map the X-Forwarded-User value. Header names are not case sensitive.

user: x-forwarded-user

Note that only the following list of headers are permitted by default:


If you would like to add more options, you can overwrite the default file with a docker bind mount at /usr/local/nginx/conf/proxy_trusted_headers.conf. Reference the source code for the default file formatting.

Future versions of Frigate may leverage group and role headers for authorization in Frigate as well.

Login page redirection

Frigate gracefully performs login page redirection that should work with most authentication proxies. If your reverse proxy returns a Location header on 401, 302, or 307 unauthorized responses, Frigate's frontend will automatically detect it and redirect to that URL.

Custom logout url

If your reverse proxy has a dedicated logout url, you can specify using the logout_url config option. This will update the link for the Logout link in the UI.