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Full Reference Config

Full configuration reference:


It is not recommended to copy this full configuration file. Only specify values that are different from the defaults. Configuration options and default values may change in future versions.

# Optional: Enable mqtt server (default: shown below)
enabled: True
# Required: host name
# Optional: port (default: shown below)
port: 1883
# Optional: topic prefix (default: shown below)
# NOTE: must be unique if you are running multiple instances
topic_prefix: frigate
# Optional: client id (default: shown below)
# NOTE: must be unique if you are running multiple instances
client_id: frigate
# Optional: user
# NOTE: MQTT user can be specified with an environment variable or docker secrets that must begin with 'FRIGATE_'.
# e.g. user: '{FRIGATE_MQTT_USER}'
user: mqtt_user
# Optional: password
# NOTE: MQTT password can be specified with an environment variable or docker secrets that must begin with 'FRIGATE_'.
# e.g. password: '{FRIGATE_MQTT_PASSWORD}'
password: password
# Optional: tls_ca_certs for enabling TLS using self-signed certs (default: None)
tls_ca_certs: /path/to/ca.crt
# Optional: tls_client_cert and tls_client key in order to use self-signed client
# certificates (default: None)
# NOTE: certificate must not be password-protected
# do not set user and password when using a client certificate
tls_client_cert: /path/to/client.crt
tls_client_key: /path/to/client.key
# Optional: tls_insecure (true/false) for enabling TLS verification of
# the server hostname in the server certificate (default: None)
tls_insecure: false
# Optional: interval in seconds for publishing stats (default: shown below)
stats_interval: 60

# Optional: Detectors configuration. Defaults to a single CPU detector
# Required: name of the detector
# Required: type of the detector
# Frigate provided types include 'cpu', 'edgetpu', 'openvino' and 'tensorrt' (default: shown below)
# Additional detector types can also be plugged in.
# Detectors may require additional configuration.
# Refer to the Detectors configuration page for more information.
type: cpu

# Optional: Database configuration
# The path to store the SQLite DB (default: shown below)
path: /config/frigate.db

# Optional: TLS configuration
# Optional: Enable TLS for port 8971 (default: shown below)
enabled: True

# Optional: Proxy configuration
# Optional: Mapping for headers from upstream proxies. Only used if Frigate's auth
# is disabled.
# NOTE: Many authentication proxies pass a header downstream with the authenticated
# user name. Not all values are supported. It must be a whitelisted header.
# See the docs for more info.
user: x-forwarded-user
# Optional: Url for logging out a user. This sets the location of the logout url in
# the UI.
logout_url: /api/logout
# Optional: Auth secret that is checked against the X-Proxy-Secret header sent from
# the proxy. If not set, all requests are trusted regardless of origin.
auth_secret: None

# Optional: Authentication configuration
# Optional: Enable authentication
enabled: True
# Optional: Reset the admin user password on startup (default: shown below)
# New password is printed in the logs
reset_admin_password: False
# Optional: Cookie to store the JWT token for native auth (default: shown below)
cookie_name: frigate_token
# Optional: Set secure flag on cookie. (default: shown below)
# NOTE: This should be set to True if you are using TLS
cookie_secure: False
# Optional: Session length in seconds (default: shown below)
session_length: 86400 # 24 hours
# Optional: Refresh time in seconds (default: shown below)
# When the session is going to expire in less time than this setting,
# it will be refreshed back to the session_length.
refresh_time: 43200 # 12 hours
# Optional: Rate limiting for login failures to help prevent brute force
# login attacks (default: shown below)
# See the docs for more information on valid values
failed_login_rate_limit: None
# Optional: Trusted proxies for determining IP address to rate limit
# NOTE: This is only used for rate limiting login attempts and does not bypass
# authentication. See the authentication docs for more details.
trusted_proxies: []
# Optional: Number of hashing iterations for user passwords
# As of Feb 2023, OWASP recommends 600000 iterations for PBKDF2-SHA256
# NOTE: changing this value will not automatically update password hashes, you
# will need to change each user password for it to apply
hash_iterations: 600000

# Optional: model modifications
# Optional: path to the model (default: automatic based on detector)
path: /edgetpu_model.tflite
# Optional: path to the labelmap (default: shown below)
labelmap_path: /labelmap.txt
# Required: Object detection model input width (default: shown below)
width: 320
# Required: Object detection model input height (default: shown below)
height: 320
# Optional: Object detection model input colorspace
# Valid values are rgb, bgr, or yuv. (default: shown below)
input_pixel_format: rgb
# Optional: Object detection model input tensor format
# Valid values are nhwc or nchw (default: shown below)
input_tensor: nhwc
# Optional: Object detection model type, currently only used with the OpenVINO detector
# Valid values are ssd, yolox, yolonas (default: shown below)
model_type: ssd
# Optional: Label name modifications. These are merged into the standard labelmap.
2: vehicle

# Optional: Audio Events Configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: Enable audio events (default: shown below)
enabled: False
# Optional: Configure the amount of seconds without detected audio to end the event (default: shown below)
max_not_heard: 30
# Optional: Configure the min rms volume required to run audio detection (default: shown below)
# As a rule of thumb:
# - 200 - high sensitivity
# - 500 - medium sensitivity
# - 1000 - low sensitivity
min_volume: 500
# Optional: Types of audio to listen for (default: shown below)
- bark
- fire_alarm
- scream
- speech
- yell
# Optional: Filters to configure detection.
# Label that matches label in listen config.
# Minimum score that triggers an audio event (default: shown below)
threshold: 0.8

# Optional: logger verbosity settings
# Optional: Default log verbosity (default: shown below)
default: info
# Optional: Component specific logger overrides
frigate.event: debug

# Optional: set environment variables

# Optional: birdseye configuration
# NOTE: Can (enabled, mode) be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: Enable birdseye view (default: shown below)
enabled: True
# Optional: Restream birdseye via RTSP (default: shown below)
# NOTE: Enabling this will set birdseye to run 24/7 which may increase CPU usage somewhat.
restream: False
# Optional: Width of the output resolution (default: shown below)
width: 1280
# Optional: Height of the output resolution (default: shown below)
height: 720
# Optional: Encoding quality of the mpeg1 feed (default: shown below)
# 1 is the highest quality, and 31 is the lowest. Lower quality feeds utilize less CPU resources.
quality: 8
# Optional: Mode of the view. Available options are: objects, motion, and continuous
# objects - cameras are included if they have had a tracked object within the last 30 seconds
# motion - cameras are included if motion was detected in the last 30 seconds
# continuous - all cameras are included always
mode: objects
# Optional: Threshold for camera activity to stop showing camera (default: shown below)
inactivity_threshold: 30
# Optional: Configure the birdseye layout
# Optional: Scaling factor for the layout calculator, range 1.0-5.0 (default: shown below)
scaling_factor: 2.0
# Optional: Maximum number of cameras to show at one time, showing the most recent (default: show all cameras)
max_cameras: 1

# Optional: ffmpeg configuration
# More information about presets at
# Optional: global ffmpeg args (default: shown below)
global_args: -hide_banner -loglevel warning -threads 2
# Optional: global hwaccel args (default: auto detect)
# NOTE: See hardware acceleration docs for your specific device
hwaccel_args: "auto"
# Optional: global input args (default: shown below)
input_args: preset-rtsp-generic
# Optional: global output args
# Optional: output args for detect streams (default: shown below)
detect: -threads 2 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p
# Optional: output args for record streams (default: shown below)
record: preset-record-generic
# Optional: Time in seconds to wait before ffmpeg retries connecting to the camera. (default: shown below)
# If set too low, frigate will retry a connection to the camera's stream too frequently, using up the limited streams some cameras can allow at once
# If set too high, then if a ffmpeg crash or camera stream timeout occurs, you could potentially lose up to a maximum of retry_interval second(s) of footage
# NOTE: this can be a useful setting for Wireless / Battery cameras to reduce how much footage is potentially lost during a connection timeout.
retry_interval: 10

# Optional: Detect configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: width of the frame for the input with the detect role (default: use native stream resolution)
width: 1280
# Optional: height of the frame for the input with the detect role (default: use native stream resolution)
height: 720
# Optional: desired fps for your camera for the input with the detect role (default: shown below)
# NOTE: Recommended value of 5. Ideally, try and reduce your FPS on the camera.
fps: 5
# Optional: enables detection for the camera (default: True)
enabled: True
# Optional: Number of consecutive detection hits required for an object to be initialized in the tracker. (default: 1/2 the frame rate)
min_initialized: 2
# Optional: Number of frames without a detection before Frigate considers an object to be gone. (default: 5x the frame rate)
max_disappeared: 25
# Optional: Configuration for stationary object tracking
# Optional: Frequency for confirming stationary objects (default: same as threshold)
# When set to 1, object detection will run to confirm the object still exists on every frame.
# If set to 10, object detection will run to confirm the object still exists on every 10th frame.
interval: 50
# Optional: Number of frames without a position change for an object to be considered stationary (default: 10x the frame rate or 10s)
threshold: 50
# Optional: Define a maximum number of frames for tracking a stationary object (default: not set, track forever)
# This can help with false positives for objects that should only be stationary for a limited amount of time.
# It can also be used to disable stationary object tracking. For example, you may want to set a value for person, but leave
# car at the default.
# WARNING: Setting these values overrides default behavior and disables stationary object tracking.
# There are very few situations where you would want it disabled. It is NOT recommended to
# copy these values from the example config into your config unless you know they are needed.
# Optional: Default for all object types (default: not set, track forever)
default: 3000
# Optional: Object specific values
person: 1000
# Optional: Milliseconds to offset detect annotations by (default: shown below).
# There can often be latency between a recording and the detect process,
# especially when using separate streams for detect and record.
# Use this setting to make the timeline bounding boxes more closely align
# with the recording. The value can be positive or negative.
# TIP: Imagine there is an event clip with a person walking from left to right.
# If the event timeline bounding box is consistently to the left of the person
# then the value should be decreased. Similarly, if a person is walking from
# left to right and the bounding box is consistently ahead of the person
# then the value should be increased.
# TIP: This offset is dynamic so you can change the value and it will update existing
# events, this makes it easy to tune.
# WARNING: Fast moving objects will likely not have the bounding box align.
annotation_offset: 0

# Optional: Object configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: list of objects to track from labelmap.txt (default: shown below)
- person
# Optional: mask to prevent all object types from being detected in certain areas (default: no mask)
# Checks based on the bottom center of the bounding box of the object.
# NOTE: This mask is COMBINED with the object type specific mask below
mask: 0.000,0.000,0.781,0.000,0.781,0.278,0.000,0.278
# Optional: filters to reduce false positives for specific object types
# Optional: minimum width*height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 0)
min_area: 5000
# Optional: maximum width*height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 24000000)
max_area: 100000
# Optional: minimum width/height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 0)
min_ratio: 0.5
# Optional: maximum width/height of the bounding box for the detected object (default: 24000000)
max_ratio: 2.0
# Optional: minimum score for the object to initiate tracking (default: shown below)
min_score: 0.5
# Optional: minimum decimal percentage for tracked object's computed score to be considered a true positive (default: shown below)
threshold: 0.7
# Optional: mask to prevent this object type from being detected in certain areas (default: no mask)
# Checks based on the bottom center of the bounding box of the object
mask: 0.000,0.000,0.781,0.000,0.781,0.278,0.000,0.278

# Optional: Review configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: alerts configuration
# Optional: labels that qualify as an alert (default: shown below)
- car
- person
# Optional: required zones for an object to be marked as an alert (default: none)
# NOTE: when settings required zones globally, this zone must exist on all cameras
# or the config will be considered invalid. In that case the required_zones
# should be configured at the camera level.
- driveway
# Optional: detections configuration
# Optional: labels that qualify as a detection (default: all labels that are tracked / listened to)
- car
- person
# Optional: required zones for an object to be marked as a detection (default: none)
# NOTE: when settings required zones globally, this zone must exist on all cameras
# or the config will be considered invalid. In that case the required_zones
# should be configured at the camera level.
- driveway

# Optional: Motion configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: enables detection for the camera (default: True)
# NOTE: Motion detection is required for object detection,
# setting this to False and leaving detect enabled
# will result in an error on startup.
enabled: False
# Optional: The threshold passed to cv2.threshold to determine if a pixel is different enough to be counted as motion. (default: shown below)
# Increasing this value will make motion detection less sensitive and decreasing it will make motion detection more sensitive.
# The value should be between 1 and 255.
threshold: 30
# Optional: The percentage of the image used to detect lightning or other substantial changes where motion detection
# needs to recalibrate. (default: shown below)
# Increasing this value will make motion detection more likely to consider lightning or ir mode changes as valid motion.
# Decreasing this value will make motion detection more likely to ignore large amounts of motion such as a person approaching
# a doorbell camera.
lightning_threshold: 0.8
# Optional: Minimum size in pixels in the resized motion image that counts as motion (default: shown below)
# Increasing this value will prevent smaller areas of motion from being detected. Decreasing will
# make motion detection more sensitive to smaller moving objects.
# As a rule of thumb:
# - 10 - high sensitivity
# - 30 - medium sensitivity
# - 50 - low sensitivity
contour_area: 10
# Optional: Alpha value passed to cv2.accumulateWeighted when averaging frames to determine the background (default: shown below)
# Higher values mean the current frame impacts the average a lot, and a new object will be averaged into the background faster.
# Low values will cause things like moving shadows to be detected as motion for longer.
frame_alpha: 0.01
# Optional: Height of the resized motion frame (default: 100)
# Higher values will result in more granular motion detection at the expense of higher CPU usage.
# Lower values result in less CPU, but small changes may not register as motion.
frame_height: 100
# Optional: motion mask
# NOTE: see docs for more detailed info on creating masks
mask: 0.000,0.469,1.000,0.469,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000
# Optional: improve contrast (default: shown below)
# Enables dynamic contrast improvement. This should help improve night detections at the cost of making motion detection more sensitive
# for daytime.
improve_contrast: True
# Optional: Delay when updating camera motion through MQTT from ON -> OFF (default: shown below).
mqtt_off_delay: 30

# Optional: Record configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: Enable recording (default: shown below)
# WARNING: If recording is disabled in the config, turning it on via
# the UI or MQTT later will have no effect.
enabled: False
# Optional: Number of minutes to wait between cleanup runs (default: shown below)
# This can be used to reduce the frequency of deleting recording segments from disk if you want to minimize i/o
expire_interval: 60
# Optional: Sync recordings with disk on startup and once a day (default: shown below).
sync_recordings: False
# Optional: Retention settings for recording
# Optional: Number of days to retain recordings regardless of events (default: shown below)
# NOTE: This should be set to 0 and retention should be defined in events section below
# if you only want to retain recordings of events.
days: 0
# Optional: Mode for retention. Available options are: all, motion, and active_objects
# all - save all recording segments regardless of activity
# motion - save all recordings segments with any detected motion
# active_objects - save all recording segments with active/moving objects
# NOTE: this mode only applies when the days setting above is greater than 0
mode: all
# Optional: Recording Export Settings
# Optional: Timelapse Output Args (default: shown below).
# NOTE: The default args are set to fit 24 hours of recording into 1 hour playback.
# See for more info on how these args work.
# As an example: if you wanted to go from 24 hours to 30 minutes that would be going
# from 86400 seconds to 1800 seconds which would be 1800 / 86400 = 0.02.
# The -r (framerate) dictates how smooth the output video is.
# So the args would be -vf setpts=0.02*PTS -r 30 in that case.
timelapse_args: "-vf setpts=0.04*PTS -r 30"
# Optional: Recording Preview Settings
# Optional: Quality of recording preview (default: shown below).
# Options are: very_low, low, medium, high, very_high
quality: medium
# Optional: Event recording settings
# Optional: Number of seconds before the event to include (default: shown below)
pre_capture: 5
# Optional: Number of seconds after the event to include (default: shown below)
post_capture: 5
# Optional: Objects to save recordings for. (default: all tracked objects)
- person
# Optional: Retention settings for recordings of events
# Required: Default retention days (default: shown below)
default: 10
# Optional: Mode for retention. (default: shown below)
# all - save all recording segments for events regardless of activity
# motion - save all recordings segments for events with any detected motion
# active_objects - save all recording segments for event with active/moving objects
# NOTE: If the retain mode for the camera is more restrictive than the mode configured
# here, the segments will already be gone by the time this mode is applied.
# For example, if the camera retain mode is "motion", the segments without motion are
# never stored, so setting the mode to "all" here won't bring them back.
mode: motion
# Optional: Per object retention days
person: 15

# Optional: Configuration for the jpg snapshots written to the clips directory for each event
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: Enable writing jpg snapshot to /media/frigate/clips (default: shown below)
enabled: False
# Optional: save a clean PNG copy of the snapshot image (default: shown below)
clean_copy: True
# Optional: print a timestamp on the snapshots (default: shown below)
timestamp: False
# Optional: draw bounding box on the snapshots (default: shown below)
bounding_box: True
# Optional: crop the snapshot (default: shown below)
crop: False
# Optional: height to resize the snapshot to (default: original size)
height: 175
# Optional: Restrict snapshots to objects that entered any of the listed zones (default: no required zones)
required_zones: []
# Optional: Camera override for retention settings (default: global values)
# Required: Default retention days (default: shown below)
default: 10
# Optional: Per object retention days
person: 15
# Optional: quality of the encoded jpeg, 0-100 (default: shown below)
quality: 70

# Optional: Restream configuration
# Uses (v1.9.2)

# Optional: Live stream configuration for WebUI.
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: Set the name of the stream configured in go2rtc
# that should be used for live view in frigate WebUI. (default: name of camera)
# NOTE: In most cases this should be set at the camera level only.
stream_name: camera_name
# Optional: Set the height of the jsmpeg stream. (default: 720)
# This must be less than or equal to the height of the detect stream. Lower resolutions
# reduce bandwidth required for viewing the jsmpeg stream. Width is computed to match known aspect ratio.
height: 720
# Optional: Set the encode quality of the jsmpeg stream (default: shown below)
# 1 is the highest quality, and 31 is the lowest. Lower quality feeds utilize less CPU resources.
quality: 8

# Optional: in-feed timestamp style configuration
# NOTE: Can be overridden at the camera level
# Optional: Position of the timestamp (default: shown below)
# "tl" (top left), "tr" (top right), "bl" (bottom left), "br" (bottom right)
position: "tl"
# Optional: Format specifier conform to the Python package "datetime" (default: shown below)
# Additional Examples:
# german: "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"
format: "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
# Optional: Color of font
# All Required when color is specified (default: shown below)
red: 255
green: 255
blue: 255
# Optional: Line thickness of font (default: shown below)
thickness: 2
# Optional: Effect of lettering (default: shown below)
# None (No effect),
# "solid" (solid background in inverse color of font)
# "shadow" (shadow for font)
effect: None

# Required
# Required: name of the camera
# Optional: Enable/Disable the camera (default: shown below).
# If disabled: config is used but no live stream and no capture etc.
# Events/Recordings are still viewable.
enabled: True
# Required: ffmpeg settings for the camera
# Required: A list of input streams for the camera. See documentation for more information.
# Required: the path to the stream
# NOTE: path may include environment variables or docker secrets, which must begin with 'FRIGATE_' and be referenced in {}
- path: rtsp://viewer:{FRIGATE_RTSP_PASSWORD}@
# Required: list of roles for this stream. valid values are: audio,detect,record
# NOTICE: In addition to assigning the audio, detect, and record roles
# they must also be enabled in the camera config.
- audio
- detect
- record
# Optional: stream specific global args (default: inherit)
# global_args:
# Optional: stream specific hwaccel args (default: inherit)
# hwaccel_args:
# Optional: stream specific input args (default: inherit)
# input_args:
# Optional: camera specific global args (default: inherit)
# global_args:
# Optional: camera specific hwaccel args (default: inherit)
# hwaccel_args:
# Optional: camera specific input args (default: inherit)
# input_args:
# Optional: camera specific output args (default: inherit)
# output_args:

# Optional: timeout for highest scoring image before allowing it
# to be replaced by a newer image. (default: shown below)
best_image_timeout: 60

# Optional: URL to visit the camera web UI directly from the system page. Might not be available on every camera.
webui_url: ""

# Optional: zones for this camera
# Required: name of the zone
# NOTE: This must be different than any camera names, but can match with another zone on another
# camera.
# Required: List of x,y coordinates to define the polygon of the zone.
# NOTE: Presence in a zone is evaluated only based on the bottom center of the objects bounding box.
coordinates: 0.284,0.997,0.389,0.869,0.410,0.745
# Optional: Number of consecutive frames required for object to be considered present in the zone (default: shown below).
inertia: 3
# Optional: Number of seconds that an object must loiter to be considered in the zone (default: shown below)
loitering_time: 0
# Optional: List of objects that can trigger this zone (default: all tracked objects)
- person
# Optional: Zone level object filters.
# NOTE: The global and camera filters are applied upstream.
min_area: 5000
max_area: 100000
threshold: 0.7

# Optional: Configuration for the jpg snapshots published via MQTT
# Optional: Enable publishing snapshot via mqtt for camera (default: shown below)
# NOTE: Only applies to publishing image data to MQTT via 'frigate/<camera_name>/<object_name>/snapshot'.
# All other messages will still be published.
enabled: True
# Optional: print a timestamp on the snapshots (default: shown below)
timestamp: True
# Optional: draw bounding box on the snapshots (default: shown below)
bounding_box: True
# Optional: crop the snapshot (default: shown below)
crop: True
# Optional: height to resize the snapshot to (default: shown below)
height: 270
# Optional: jpeg encode quality (default: shown below)
quality: 70
# Optional: Restrict mqtt messages to objects that entered any of the listed zones (default: no required zones)
required_zones: []

# Optional: Configuration for how camera is handled in the GUI.
# Optional: Adjust sort order of cameras in the UI. Larger numbers come later (default: shown below)
# By default the cameras are sorted alphabetically.
order: 0
# Optional: Whether or not to show the camera in the Frigate UI (default: shown below)
dashboard: True

# Optional: connect to ONVIF camera
# to enable PTZ controls.
# Required: host of the camera being connected to.
# Optional: ONVIF port for device (default: shown below).
port: 8000
# Optional: username for login.
# NOTE: Some devices require admin to access ONVIF.
user: admin
# Optional: password for login.
password: admin
# Optional: Ignores time synchronization mismatches between the camera and the server during authentication.
# Using NTP on both ends is recommended and this should only be set to True in a "safe" environment due to the security risk it represents.
ignore_time_mismatch: False
# Optional: PTZ camera object autotracking. Keeps a moving object in
# the center of the frame by automatically moving the PTZ camera.
# Optional: enable/disable object autotracking. (default: shown below)
enabled: False
# Optional: calibrate the camera on startup (default: shown below)
# A calibration will move the PTZ in increments and measure the time it takes to move.
# The results are used to help estimate the position of tracked objects after a camera move.
# Frigate will update your config file automatically after a calibration with
# a "movement_weights" entry for the camera. You should then set calibrate_on_startup to False.
calibrate_on_startup: False
# Optional: the mode to use for zooming in/out on objects during autotracking. (default: shown below)
# Available options are: disabled, absolute, and relative
# disabled - don't zoom in/out on autotracked objects, use pan/tilt only
# absolute - use absolute zooming (supported by most PTZ capable cameras)
# relative - use relative zooming (not supported on all PTZs, but makes concurrent pan/tilt/zoom movements)
zooming: disabled
# Optional: A value to change the behavior of zooming on autotracked objects. (default: shown below)
# A lower value will keep more of the scene in view around a tracked object.
# A higher value will zoom in more on a tracked object, but Frigate may lose tracking more quickly.
# The value should be between 0.1 and 0.75
zoom_factor: 0.3
# Optional: list of objects to track from labelmap.txt (default: shown below)
- person
# Required: Begin automatically tracking an object when it enters any of the listed zones.
- zone_name
# Required: Name of ONVIF preset in camera's firmware to return to when tracking is over. (default: shown below)
return_preset: home
# Optional: Seconds to delay before returning to preset. (default: shown below)
timeout: 10
# Optional: Values generated automatically by a camera calibration. Do not modify these manually. (default: shown below)
movement_weights: []

# Optional: Configuration for how to sort the cameras in the Birdseye view.
# Optional: Adjust sort order of cameras in the Birdseye view. Larger numbers come later (default: shown below)
# By default the cameras are sorted alphabetically.
order: 0

# Optional
# Optional: Set a timezone to use in the UI (default: use browser local time)
# timezone: America/Denver
# Optional: Set the time format used.
# Options are browser, 12hour, or 24hour (default: shown below)
time_format: browser
# Optional: Set the date style for a specified length.
# Options are: full, long, medium, short
# Examples:
# short: 2/11/23
# medium: Feb 11, 2023
# full: Saturday, February 11, 2023
# (default: shown below).
date_style: short
# Optional: Set the time style for a specified length.
# Options are: full, long, medium, short
# Examples:
# short: 8:14 PM
# medium: 8:15:22 PM
# full: 8:15:22 PM Mountain Standard Time
# (default: shown below).
time_style: medium
# Optional: Ability to manually override the date / time styling to use strftime format
# possible values are shown above (default: not set)
strftime_fmt: "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"

# Optional: Telemetry configuration
# Optional: Enabled network interfaces for bandwidth stats monitoring (default: empty list, let nethogs search all)
- eth
- enp
- eno
- ens
- wl
- lo
# Optional: Configure system stats
# Enable AMD GPU stats (default: shown below)
amd_gpu_stats: True
# Enable Intel GPU stats (default: shown below)
intel_gpu_stats: True
# Enable network bandwidth stats monitoring for camera ffmpeg processes, go2rtc, and object detectors. (default: shown below)
# NOTE: The container must either be privileged or have cap_net_admin, cap_net_raw capabilities enabled.
network_bandwidth: False
# Optional: Enable the latest version outbound check (default: shown below)
# NOTE: If you use the HomeAssistant integration, disabling this will prevent it from reporting new versions
version_check: True

# Optional: Camera groups (default: no groups are setup)
# NOTE: It is recommended to use the UI to setup camera groups
# Required: Name of camera group
# Required: list of cameras in the group
- front_cam
- side_cam
- front_doorbell_cam
# Required: icon used for group
icon: LuCar
# Required: index of this group
order: 0